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FM stands for "foul mouth". FM's previous owner,Tom, thought it was funny to teach FM every obscene word he could. He liked people's reaction to FM's language. Tom left FM in his apartment when he sneaked out during the night. I offered to keep FM for a few days. I had never thought of a bird as a pet. They did not seem to have the personality that a dog or a cat did. Boy, was I wrong. FM had loads of personality. First he was very angry at his change in habitat.It took a while for him to accept me, but since I was the one now feeding him, he did so reluctantly. I eventually toned down his language, although he would use some of the old words. I think he also enjoyed people's reaction to them. He was 10 years old when he came to live with me and I had him for 8 more years. He would have lived many more years except that a neighbor let in a cat to my apartment without my knowledge and he got FM.





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FM's Story

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